Maha Samudram film stars Sharwanand, Siddharth, Anu Emmanuel, and Aditi Rao Haidari in the lead roles. Actor Sharwanand fans who shared positive reactions about the production also wish him a happy birthday. Produced by Anil Sungara, the film stars Sharwanand and Siddharth in the lead roles. Directed by Ajay Bhupathi under the banner of AK Entertainment. It is available in Tamil and Telugu simultaneously.
First look poster
Mahasamudram is a functional drama film celebrating the birthday of its protagonist Sharwanand, releasing the first look motion poster of the film. Sharwanand took to Instagram to share the photo with fans of the new look of his character at sea. The poster shows him holding an ax in his hand in blood and leaning against the beach. This is not really expressed in the poster of Siddharth or Sharwanand. Director Ajay Bhupathi has said that he will be working with leading actors before announcing the news of the film.
Check out this fierce first look of Birthday Boy @ImSharwanand from our #Mahasamudram 🌊
Have the best year brother. You’re going to ace it. Full power! 🌟@aditiraohydari @DirAjayBhupathi
— Siddharth (@Actor_Siddharth) March 6, 2021
Maha Samudram Movie Release Date
Director Ajay Bhupathi’s latest film after the success of RX 100 is Mahasamudram. The Maha Samudram Movie was released on August 19, 2021.
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