The latest Tamil movie Naai Sekar movie is a Tamil comedy film. It has directed by Kishore Rajkumar in his directorial debut. The star features of Naai Sekar aka Nai Sekar includes Sathish, and Pavithra Lakshmi in the lead positions, while George Maryan, Sankar Ganesh, Livingston, Ilavarasu, Sriman, Gnanasambandham, Manobala, KPY Bala plays helping roles. The film was produced by Kalpathi S. Aghoram, Kalpathi S. Ganesh, Kalpathi S. Suresh under the banner AGS Banner. The film was edited by Ram Pandian, song lyrics were written by Sivakarthikeyan, Vivek, and Kishore. The art direction was performed by M.G.Murugan, dance choreography by Sandy, and actions by Miracle Michael. Here you can get the details about the Naai Sekar Full Movie Download.
Movie Teaser:
The Nahi Sekar movie teaser has released on Jan 1, 2022, under the Sony Music South youtube channel. So Happy for Pavithra. The amount of maturity and attitude she has displayed so far in her carrier. Deserves a lot of success for her. The video makes us more interesting in this movie and it gets 3 million views within 1 month on youtube.
Movie Plot:
The Naai Sekar movie story has A man bitten by a dog that is existing experimented upon by a scientist starts behaving like a dog. After that he faced many problems what they do is we will watch in this movie.
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Naai Sekar Full Movie Download in Tamilrockers:
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Movie Review:
Kishore Rajkumar’s Naai Sekar has a great hypothesis for a fun movie, especially a kids-centric one. The brain of this idea is its clarity what if a man ground by a dog starts behaving like one, while the begins to show human markers? The protagonist here is Sekar (Sathish), an IT worker, who is in love with his coworker Pooja. A someone who despises dogs, Sekar accidentally obtains bitten by Padayappa, a Labrador that has living tested upon by Rajarajan, a scientist. The man starts to display the animal’s traits while the dog starts to act like a man.
At a time when there is an appraisal underway at work, and a meeting with Pooja’s father in the offing, can Sekar set things right before it is too late. With a belief ripe with promise for a fun experience, Kishore Rajkumar doesn’t have to try too stiff to make a decent performer out of Naai Sekar. And in Sathish, he earns the right actor for this role. We know the actor as a comedian, so some of the tricks that he has to do after living bitten by the dog. Don’t feel like image-damaging stuff. At the same time, he has also permitted as a regular guy with a romantic interest. The actor, in his part, gets the characteristics right, be it riding his tongue out or showing puppy eyes.