The Pizza 3 movie has a Tamil Horror comedy helmed by Mohan Govind and C V Kumar has producer this movie under Thirukumaran Entertainment. While the film stars Ashwin Kakumanu, Pavithrah Marimuthu, Gaurav Narayanan, Abhishek Shankar, Kaali Venkat, Anupama Kumar, Raveena Daha, Kuraishi, Yogi, and Subiksha as lead actors in this film. Special first look of debut director Mohan Govind’s Pizza 3 has delivered on Friday. The outline, which is produced by CV Kumar, has Ashwin Kakumanu playing the lead role. Kaali Venkat, director Gaurav Narayanan, and Raveena Daha, among others, perform crucial characters. Pavithrah Marimuthu of Arulnithi-starrer Diary fame will essay the female lead.
Movie Plot:
Executed in and nearby Chennai, CV Kumar had also declared that it will offer edge-of-the-seat moments and will be without cliches one usually finds in horror movies. While the first look poster of the film has released recently, the makers have now released a video showing a glimpse of what to expect from the film. Interestingly, the cinema is all set to hit the screens in March. Producer CV Kumar has previously notified that the movie isn’t a series to Pizza 2.
Teaser Info:
While the first look poster of the film has delivered earlier in January, the makers have now published the teaser of the film.
The teaser offers a cheat look into the third movie of the hit Pizza series. The thriller, which has deemed to be released around March, got suspended COVID-related limitations, has expected to deliver soon. Director Gaurav Narayanan performs the role of a cop named Inspector Prem Kumar.
Release Date Details:
The shooting of the cinema started in February current year. Post a break throughout the lockdown. We began again in September and destroyed most of the parts around Deepavali. We are believing in releasing the film in theatres around Jan 2022. Believe that the government will allow 100 percent ownership in cinema theaters by then.
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