Dazzling director Lokesh Kanagaraj recently declared the completion of the shooting of Vikram with a video of Fahadh Faasil releasing and emptying the bullets of a pistol in his hands. The postproduction work has begun for the magnum opus. The movie release date will be officially announced on Lokesh Kanagaraj’s birthday on March 14th. The shooting for the movie was wrapped up last week in 2021.
Cast & Crew:
Vikram movie is a Tamil action, thriller movie, written and directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj. The performers in Vikram movie include Kamal Haasan, Fahadh Faasil, and Vijay Sethupathi playing the lead roles. The movie has produced by Kamal Haasan under his Raaj Kamal Films International banner. The music and film score is composed by Anirudh Ravichander, with cinematography done by Girish Gangadharan and editing accomplished by Philomin Raj.
Movie Plot:
Accordingly, Vijay Sethupathi and Fahadh Faasil play siblings with the former being a gangster and the latter a politician. The brothers apparently kidnap a high-ranking government official Narain and trap him in a fortress-like prison. And how Kamal, a retired police officer, saves him from them has supposed to be the core subject. The news reports further add that Kamal plays the role of a blind man. Lokesh Kanagaraj has created the screenplay in a fascinating way as to how he accomplishes his mission without his sight. This in no way can exist taken as the story of Vikram as the director or the production house has not announced it yet.
Making Glimpse:
The director had released the movie at first glance as a memorable treat to the legendary actor on his 67th birthday. The short clip has clocked more than 10 million views in 24hours, and the makers have announced it with a special poster.
Kamal Haasan has spotted saving a few prisoners from a group, and he has caught so furiously and stylish in the video. The well-made video has been receiving appreciation from many and thus the expectations for the film have mounted high.
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Release Date Details:
It has earlier reported that the release date of the movie Vikram will live announced on March 14. Today, March 11, director Lokesh Kanagaraj took to Twitter to reveal that the official release date of the movie in theatres will be out in March. But some issues the movie got postponed. After that, the movie has now scheduled for a worldwide release on 3 June 2022.
Raja Gopal tweets on Twitter about the Vikram release details
“When others tell me that I’d have won international acclaim if I had been in the West, I turn around and tell them, this is my place and I should win world renown from here… with my kind of cinema”
–#KamalHaasan. His films represented India 7 times in Oscar.#Vikram frm Jun 3 pic.twitter.com/acXWGoHI0e— Raja Gopal (@rajagopalmani) April 22, 2022